

Halloween/Birthday Decor (mummy candles)

Grant is two! Yay! He is a funny funny little boy who keeps me entertained ALL day long. He's got lots of energy and loves to GO GO GO! 
We had a few birthday get-togethers and had lots of fun. He loved opening his presents and blowing out the candle on the cake. We had to light it a about five times because he loved blowing it out sooo much. 

opening presents with Uncle Doug

MorMor and Papa

After party photo

loves his toy woody from MorMor and Papa

The boys with Grandma

Some Halloween decor
I had to make two cakes for each party- This was cake #2

Dad, Grandma, Boys and Uncle Davis
After Party going to a ward Halloween Party

Ben finishing off Grants grilled cheese sandwich

It was such a fun week! Thanks to all the family for making it a memorable birthday for Grant. He loves his Grandparents, Cousins, Aunts, and Uncles. Here is random picture of Benny. He is getting soo big! He is only 1 lb lighter than Grant! Crawling everywhere and standing up and walking with the help of furniture. I can't believe I have two mobile curious boys!!


Family Pictures

We were able to get our family pictures done before the weather turned cold (freezing) Thanks Angie! They turned out awesome.
It's been forever since I've blogged and it makes me sad because I was able to keep up with recording all of Grants milestones, but I haven't kept up with Ben. :( it's on my to-do list for next week!!



We spent the weekend in St. George for sweet little Gordons baby blessing. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of him in his sweet little blessing gown. He is adorable. We also got to meet a new cousin Owen who is so precious!! Here is a picture of all the cousins together...
Ben (3/11/11) Gordon (4/30/11) Oaklie (6/14/11) Owen (6/27/11)

Aiden and Grant in their Toy Story jammies
It was so much fun to have some cousin time. Grant love love loves Aiden almost as much as he loves Toy Story. I have the cutest nephews and niece ever!! Some of my best memories are of spending summers with my cousins so I'm so happy that my boys have lots of cute cousins to play with through the years.


my little Benny boo and Granty poo

So I love my little guys. They make a yucky day so much better! Let's just say I wasn't feeling 100% today and would have much rather stayed in bed eating chocolate and drinking diet mt dew :) Unfortunately I couldn't stay in bed all day, but I did settle with some chocolate and mt dew. Anyway I did get my workout in and am sooo ready for bed :) Here are a few recent pictures of my cute little guys.

Does anyone else call their babies/kids embarrassing nicknames?


Ben- 4 days old

When Ben was 4 days old I took him to get some photos taken by Michele Reyes. She was amazing and super sweet. Here is a link to her blog and the pictures of Ben. Although I think all the photos turned out great (because she is super talented) I didn't like the ones with me in them. I was hesitant to pose with the bare shoulders, but I did anyway. I personally don't like them, but I think she did a great job. Anyway check them out...Ben is so super cute. We took a few with Grant and Ben that aren't on her site, but I'll post them soon.


Benjamin Scott Watkins

I'm so happy to say that our little Ben is here. He was born at 3:20 pm on 3/11/11. Everything went perfect- not how I expected, but it was better than I could have dreamed. According to my calculations the little guy was due March 17th, but an early ultrasound made the doctor change that to March 31st- so we were very surprised and caught off guard when he came.
I'll start with this last Wednesday March 9th. I was feeling really good that day and it was warm and sunny. Grant and I had lunch with Jeff at the capitol, then went grocery shopping, and then for a nice 2 hour walk to the park and back. Needless to say I went to bed that night knowing that I did way too much and was going to pay for it the next day! So the next day I had my 37 week appointment with my midwife. She checked my dilation and I was an 'easy' 5 cm. I was so shocked and scared and the same time. Although 37 weeks is full term I didn't want him coming before he was ready. I felt really guilty thinking I did something to make him come early. She told me to go home and take it really easy. I did! I went home and sat for the rest of the day. I let Grant watch cartoons all day and take apart whatever he wanted. Jeff was supposed to be gone until 12 or 1 a.m. because it was the last day of the legislative session and my mom was scheduled for a 4 day trip leaving that night. I put Grant to bed and then the contractions started coming every 10 minutes. My mom called and said that she was able to cancel her trip and she was on her way! It was such a relief to have her there with me even if I wasn't in labor yet. So we tried to sleep until the contractions were about 5 mins apart. I had to feel my stomach every time to make sure I was having one because they didn't hurt and I could hardly feel them. So Jeff got home at 1:30 a.m. and we drove straight to the hospital. They hooked me up to the monitors and they suddenly stopped. I was still at a 5 so they decided to wait a few hours to admit me. Jeff was exhausted so he went home and my mom came to stay with me. They checked me a few hours later and I was at a 6. Still I felt nothing and the contractions were few and far between. We walked around the hospital a lot to try and get things moving, but nothing seemed to work. Around 10 a.m. I was dilated to 7- still with no contractions. The midwife decided that if nothing changed she would break my water around 2 p.m. So she came back and broke my water. Within the hour I was having regular contractions that were pretty bearable. She came back in at 3:10 to check me and that's when things got a little rough. I had been sitting on a birthing ball (which is awesome) to help with the pain, but they needed me to get back on the monitors for a minute. I was reluctant to move, but when I finally did get back on the bed I had to start pushing. I pushed for a really really long 7 minutes and he then he was born! He is 6 lbs 12 oz 20.5 inches. The midwife and pediatrician both agree that he was at least 38.5 weeks and totally ready to come! We have enjoyed having him with us and can't wait for him and Grant to start playing together and becoming friends. Everyone keeps asking if I will do the rest of my deliveries natural...I have no idea! The recovery has been so much better than it was with Grant. I was only in pain for 20 minutes, but it was pretty intense. So I dunno...maybe the next time around I'll have forgotten about the pain and try it out again!! All I know for sure is that it won't be for a really long time :)


Movin on up!

drinking his juice watching sesame street- we both stay in pj's until noonish

I had Jeff take a pregnancy pic since I only have one or two of this pregnancy- 35 weeks :)

Grant loves chicken nuggets and green beans
It's been a big last week for our family. We finally took the plunge and moved. We had been thinking about moving for a while because living in a basement was really taking it's toll on my sanity. As much as I wanted to move we didn't want to leave our neighborhood. It's so close to the university and it's one of the safest neighborhoods in Salt Lake so we really had a hard time finding a place that was worth the move. Then out of nowhere a duplex around the corner was for rent! Needless to say we had to take it! We have nice big windows and a garage! The best part is that we don't have anyone walking above us and making noise right when we are trying to go to sleep!! It's right across the street from our church too, which is awesome! Less neighbors and less traffic are a big bonus :) We've been taking our sweet time getting everything where it needs to go so until then I don't have any pictures, but my goal is to have everything done in two weeks because I'll be 37 weeks and out of commission! 


15 Months

It's hard to believe that I have a full blown toddler on my hands. He's throwing me curve balls left and right, but I love how busy my life is with him. It's really hard to imagine what life is going to be like with a new baby and Grant to juggle, but I'm so excited to meet our new addition. Anyway I've been teaching Grant a few different words in sign language. It's crazy how much these little kids catch onto things so quickly. Even though I don't like to put him in front of the television, he has become quite attached to 'melmo' which is Sesame Street ( it all started with this video) So it's becoming a daily struggle to find things to entertain him with before I give in to Sesame Street, but I always always give to his adorable little finger pointing to the t.v.
signing 'water'

Jeff started his internship on Monday with Senator Valentine. He has loved every minute so far and is learning a ton- and he gets to meet really 'cool' people. I'm not sure how I'd do in a job like that, but I'm glad that he is enjoying it so much. He's gone more than I'm used to him being gone, but it's only for 5 1/2 more weeks!

Little baby #2 is growing and growing. I've been a little down because my weight keeps going up and up and up!!! But I know that he's doing well and that's all that matters in the mean time. It's kind of depressing knowing that I still have 8 weeks left and I weigh a few more lbs now than I did when I delivered with Grant. (Yikes)

Kirsten took this pic on Christmas with her awesome camera
Speaking of weight and how am I going to loose it ALL after this giant baby is born- I ordered a double jogging stroller (yay) I can't believe how much I love BOB jogging strollers. They are just awesome and durable and make jogging possible- even with little children :) So I sold the single stroller and purchased a double!! Can't wait to test it out- and this time I'm getting a car seat adapter so we can use it as soon as I'm able to get out and run/jog/walk!
Thank You Ebay!!


Happy Birthdays!!

This is such a fun time of year for me and Jeff. We met 8 YEARS ago in drivers ed, right before we turned 16!  I can't believe it's been that long because I can remember every detail of the first day we met!  Jeff and I are only 40 hours apart. I really believe that we knew each other in heaven and couldn't be apart for too long, so we came to earth together :) I have so many fun birthday memories with Jeff throughout the years and they just get better and better. Jeff's birthday was on Sunday and mine was Monday. We celebrated ALL weekend though. We had fun date on Friday and went shopping on Saturday. We celebrated with Jeff's family on Sunday. Since we've been married we sort of 'share' our birthdays. Yesterday Jeff had an orientation at the state capitol for his internship, so I spent the day with my mommy. It was fun to spend it with her and brought back all the fun memories I have of her taking me shopping and out to lunch (I have the best mom in the world)!! Then we had yummy pizza and cake. After cake and ice cream my sisters, my mom and I watched the Bachelor while the guys watched the National Championship game. It was a fun fun day. We got home pretty late and it took me less than 2 minutes to fall asleep after laying down.
