
Merry Christmas

I love reading everyone else's blogs, but I hate (for some reason) to update mine :) I just wanted to post a quick note and say Merry Christmas to everyone :) I love this time of the year. It's great to sit back and reflect on everything that has happened in the last year. So to sum this year all up in one word is...Gratitude.
Grateful for the love and support throughout my pregnancy. Grateful for all the wonderful thoughts and prayers for sweet little Grant. Grateful for an amazing husband who helps me become a better person everyday. Grateful for Grant and the opportunity to be a mom to a beautiful and healthy little angel. Grateful most of all for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ and the sacrifice he made so I can be with my sweet little family for forever :) I hope this Christmas season brings joy and love for everyone- Love Amy

P.s. I added some adorable pictures that Angie Berrio took of Grant at 5 1/2 weeks. They are awesome...Thanks Angie!!


Baby Grant

So as you all probably have figured our little Baby Grant came on Monday October 26th 4:38 pm. I was dilated to 3 1/2 cm since week 36 so my kind doctor suggested an elective induction. At first I wasn't sure that I wanted to go through with it, but once the time came I was all for it! After four weeks of contractions I was pretty much up for anything ;) It was really hard to sleep the night before knowing that I was going to have a baby by the next evening. Jeff and I both got around three or four hours of sleep...which isn't good since we were going to be sleep deprived for the next 18+ years, but oh well. I called the hospital Monday morning to figure out what time they wanted me to come and they said "Can you be here in half an hour?" It was pretty exciting...Jeff and I hopped in the car and drove straight to LDS Hospital. Once we got there and got checked in we ended up sitting around in the delivery room for a good hour and half. The nurse came in and checked me said I was dilated to 4 1/2 cm. After the nurse got everything ready with the IV's and monitoring they started giving me at 11 am. I was already having contractions since the previous night so it the pitocin really didn't effect me too much. She kept cranking it up. Finally at 2 the doctor came said I was dilated to 5 cm and broke my water. Up until that point I was thinking that I may be able to do this without any drugs because I hadn't really felt any pain with the contractions. The moment that she broke my water I wanted to die. It was the most pain I've ever felt in my life!! That instant I was begging for an epidural. The anesthesiologist came in and started the epidural. By the time the medication kicked in I had felt 6 pretty hard contractions. I am so grateful for the epidural. I have no idea how women are able to give birth naturally. Next baby I have I'm going to ask for an epidural the second I walk into the hospital! Anyway...after that I felt great. The nurse came in 15 minutes later and I was dilated to a 6. Half hour later at 3:15 I was dilated to 9 cm and was feeling lots of pressure. She got everything ready and I was fully dilated at 4. I started pushing (even though the doctor wasn't there yet) After 20 minutes she had me stop because she didn't want to deliver the baby without the doctor. A few minutes later the doctor showed up...a then a few pushes later our little boy was born. It was the most amazing thing I have ever been through. When they set that little guy on my chest he was perfectly calm and just looked up at me with his handsome little eyes I was so overwhelmed with love and gratitude that Heavenly Father gave us this special little gift. It's just amazing! So after the delivery everything went smoothly. We are home and loving this new little member of our family. Life couldn't be any sweeter than to wake up to my wonderful husband and gorgeous little baby boy. I love being a wife and mother! Anyway I could probably write for another two hours about all of the miracles and blessings that this little guy has already brought into our life, but I'll just say that I feel like the most blessed person and I'm so grateful to all those that have been there for support!! Love you all!!



So...this whole blogging thing is new to us, but since everyone else is doing it we might as well join in :) Right now we are watching some NFL...well Jeff is watching I'm obviously on the internet bored enough to post something on our empty blog.
Jeff started up school this week at the U of U and is really enjoying his classes so far. He decided to major in Mass Communications, so far so good :)
We only have nine weeks and counting left until our little one comes to hang out with us. It's crazy that it is coming so soon, but I'm excited to be able to get out of bed without groaning or going two hours without nearly peeing my pants!! Being pregnant really has been so much fun. My new favorite past time is to watch my stomach move from left to right and feel his little kicks. We have still to choose a name...so any suggestions are more than welcome.
A few other things that we are counting down... Doug and Brooke's wedding (Sept 24th) Yeah!! and Matt and Mike coming home ( Nov 4th and 5th)
We are so excited to have Brooke part of our family and we are so happy that Doug found the love of his life. They really seem to be made for each other...mostly we are just grateful that someone loves Doug...just kidding :)
Matt and Mike have really been missed, but it's been so fun hearing all the stories and experiences they've had the past two years. You can tell from their emails and letters that they have grown a lot and really love serving the Lord. We are so proud of them and can't wait to hear a lot more stories when they come home. They will have missed two weddings will have two new siblings by the time they get home...and have a new little nephew (hopefully he's comes before they do)
To sum it all up life is good...and we are excited for the big upcoming events to make it even better!