
Welcome Autumn :)

Happy that autumn is here for a little while. I love jacket weather and being able to go outside at noon without sweating to death. Since Grant starting walking we have been able to hit all the local parks. He loves the sand and swings. Besides rocks and balls Grants favorite things are books. He could sit on my lap and look at books all day. He loves looking at animals and cars. I think most of all he loves music. Every night before dinner we turn on some 'dance' music and let him go at it. He inherited his dancing skills from his parents (not something to be proud of) but he sure is cute trying. YouTube video of Grant dancing to some Rock & Roll

I'm now 17 weeks pregnant and feeling great. I am SO excited to have another little baby! I keep having daydreams about checking into the hospital and then cuddling my sweet little newborn. We find out in a couple of weeks what the gender of the baby is...so that is super exciting :) Jeff is convinced it's a girl so we'll see!!



  1. Oh my GOSH Amy!! That is the cutest video I've ever seen!! I hope you have a girl too. They are much more fun to shop for! :)

  2. i know that would be a blast to have a girl. can't wait to find out! i don't know what's wrong with the audio on the video...it always happens when i upload videos though!
