
11 months

Today Grant is 11 months old!! He is pretty much running everywhere now. He loves to get into everything...especially the fridge. Not sure why, but whatever. He also love love loves rocks! We love to play peek-a-boo and patty cake. He loves building blocks and anything he can knock over.

On Friday we had a double wedding!! Mike & Angela and Matt & Brittney were sealed in the SLC Temple. Matt & Brittney were also sealed to Brittney's son Aiden. It was such a spiritual day.


...walking and talking

Lava Hot Springs- stealing ice out of the cooler

Blake and Grant up at the cabin

Aunt Kirsten and Grant swinging at cabin
Ava, Marie, and Brooke
Aubrey and Blake
Grant and Uncle Doug

Lope licking the crumbs out of Grants hair- he loves her!

Grant is 10 months old now and starting to walk everywhere! He is still pretty unsteady and only takes 5 or 6 steps at a time, but he's getting the hang of it quickly. He's also saying "dada" and "mama" all the time which is so darling. He's got the cutest little baby voice. We spend our days taking naps together and walking up and down the sidewalks with his little walker. This last weekend we spent with family at my uncles cabin. It was so fun for Grant to be around his little second cousins and be outside in the beautiful mountains.